\”Joyce’s Others / The Others and Joyce\”

The XIII James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference in Rome

Conference Dates: 30-31 January 2020

Keynote speakers:

  • Andrew Biswell, Metropolitan University of Manchester, President of the Anthony Burgess International Foundation
  • Andrea Binelli, University of Trento

Organisers: Franca Ruggieri, Enrico Terrinoni and Serenella Zanotti

The James Joyce Italian Foundation invites proposals for the Thirteenth Annual Conference in Rome. It will be hosted by the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the Università Roma Tre, to celebrate Joyce’s 138th birthday.

Otherness is a major feature of Joyce’s writing, in thematic, philosophical, aesthetic, political and linguistic terms. The Conference will reflect also on how other writers coming from different traditions appropriated or transfigured Joyce’s oeuvre, and how the Irish artist’s works resonate in their own writings.

We invite scholars to send proposals for a 20-minute contribution. The Conference will be the occasion to present unpublished papers and works in progress on Joyce to an international audience.

Related topics include, but are not limited to:

– Joyce and European literature

– Joyce and World literature

– Joyce’s reception across space and time

– Joyce’s radical intertextuality

– Joyce and Otherness

– Postcolonial Joyce

– Identity, othering and self-othering in Joyce

– Joyce, language and alterity

Selected papers will be published. In sending abstracts (500 words maximum in length), please attach also a short narrative bio-sketch (300 words maximum in length) to joyceconference@gmail.com. BOTH DOCUMENTS HAVE TO BE SUPPLIED IN WORD FORMAT.

The Conference includes a Joyce birthday party.

Deadline for proposals: November 24, 2019.

Accepted speakers will be notified no earlier than December 15, 2019.

On arrival, participants will be expected to sign up for membership of The James Joyce Italian Foundation (Students: 30 Euro; Individual Membership: 45 Euro; Institutions: 50 Euro; Supporting members: 70 euro).

Accepted speakers can apply for the Giorgio Melchiori Grants. Please visit the James Joyce Italian Foundation website for information: http://thejamesjoyceitalianfoundation.wordpress.com/

Convocazione dell’Assemblea Straordinaria di The James Joyce Italian Foundation

L’Assemblea  Straordinaria dei soci di The James Joyce Italian Foundation viene convocata presso i locali del Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere dell’Università Roma Tre, Sala “Ignazio Ambrogio”, II piano, Via del Valco di San Paolo, 19, 00146 Roma, in prima convocazione per il giorno 26 settembre 2019, alle ore 7, ed in seconda convocazione per il giorno 26 settembre 2019, alle ore 14,00, con il seguente ordine del giorno:

1. Comunicazioni e relazione del Presidente

2. Rinnovo delle cariche sociali

6. Varie ed eventuali

Il Presidente

Franca Ruggieri

Rome  08.09.2019

Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of The James Joyce Italian Foundation

The Extraordinary  General Meeting for members of the James Joyce Italian Foundation will be held at the Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere dell’Università Roma Tre, Sala “Ignazio Ambrogio”, 2nd floor, Via del Valco di San Paolo, 19, 00146 Roma, firstly on  26th  September 2019  at 7 a.m. The second convocation is on 26th September 2019. at 2,00 p.m..

The agenda is as follows:

1.Announcements and President’s report

2. Elections to the Executive Committee

3.Any Other Business

Franca Ruggieri President

Rome  08.09.2019

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