PRESENTAZIONE DEL LIBRO Jacqueline Risset, Scritti su Joyce


Call for papers – DEADLINE: May 15, 2019


Joyce Studies in Italy  21 – 2019


Joyce Studies in Italy, a peer-reviewed annual journal dealing with all areas of Joyce studies, invites participants in the XII James Joyce Annual Conference in Rome to submit papers (max 5.000 words including bibliography, no images) in the areas covered by the conference. Contributions will undergo a double-blind peer review process, and selected papers will be recommended for publication.

Related topics include, but are not limited to:

– Joyce’s linguistic poetics

– Joyce’s politics of language

– Joyce’s many languages

– Joyce and the Irish language

– Joyce and the language of music

– Joyce and the language of silence

– Joyce’s dislocutions

– The language of exile

– Joyce, translingualism and translingual writers

– Language teaching and language learning in Joyce

– Translating Joyce

– Joyce and translation/translation in Joyce

– Linguistic approaches to Joyce’s writing

– Corpus stylistics and Joyce’s oeuvre

Please find attached the JSI Stylesheet.

Only papers which fully comply with the JSI Stylesheet  and are related to the theme of the volume will be considered for publication.

Authors are kindly invited to submit their full papers to by May 15, 2019.



The text should be written in Times New Roman (font 12 for the main text with 1 and half line spacing, font 11 for quotations (single line spacing), font 10 for footnotes which should, in any case, be kept short and to a minimum). Text should be justified to the left. 

 Length of articles: a maximum of 5,000 words, including notes.

 Quotations: Short quotations, in the body of the text. Long quotations should be presented like a normal paragraph but preceded and followed by a line jump. Any elisions or cuts made within the quotations should be indicated by […].

 Referencing: Most referencing should be done within the body of the text with the author-date-page system:  (Costello 2004: 43). Where necessary use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively. A note number should be placed before any punctuation or quotation mark. A list of Works Cited should be placed in Times New Roman (12) at the end of the text e.g. 

 Works cited

Ó Faoláin, Seán (1948). The Short Story, London: Collins.

Costello, Peter (2004). “James Joyce and the remaking of Modern Ireland”, Studies: : An Irish Quarterly Review, Vol. 38. No. 370: 125-138.

Johnson, Jeri (1989). “‘Beyond the Veil’: Ulysses, Feminism and the Figure of Woman”, in  Christine van Boheemen (ed.), Joyce, Modernity, and Its Mediation, Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 201–228.

 References to works by Joyce should use the following conventions and abbreviations:

CP     Joyce, James. Collected Poems. New York: Viking Press, 1957.

D    Joyce, James. Dubliners. ed.Robert Scoles in consultation with Richard Ellmann,.New York: Viking Press,1959; Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism, edited by Margot Norris, text edited by Hans Walter Gabler with Walter Hettche, New York: WW Norton and Company 2006.

E     Joyce, James. Exiles. New York: Penguin, 1973.

FW    Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake. New York: Viking Press, 1939; London: Faber and Faber, 1939. These two editions have identical pagination. Oxford World’s Classics, 2012.

GJ     Joyce, James. Giacomo Joyce, ed. Richard Ellmann. New York: Viking Press, 1968.

JJI   Ellmann, Richard. James Joyce. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1959.

JJII     Ellmann, Richard. James Joyce. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1982.

JJA  The James Joyce Archive, ed. Michael Groden, et al. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1977-79. See last two pages of the JJQ for guide.

 Letters I, II, III     Joyce, James. Letters of James Joyce. Vol. I, ed. Stuart Gilbert. New York: Viking Press, 1957; reissued with corrections 1966. Vols. II and III, ed. Richard Ellmann. New York: Viking Press, 1966.

OCPW  Joyce, James. Occasional, Critical, and Political Writing, ed. Kevin Barry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

 P  Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. The definitive text corrected from Dublin Holograph by Chester G.Anderson and edited by Richard Ellmann. New York: Viking Press, 1964; “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”:  Text, Criticism , and Notes, ed.Chester G.Anderson. New York: Viking Press, 1968; Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism, edited by John Paul Riquelme, text edited by Hans Walter Gabler with Walter Hettche, New York: WW Norton and Company 2007.

SH  Joyce, James. Stephen Hero, ed. John J. Slocum and Herbert Cahoon. New York: New Directions, 1944, 1963.

SL  Joyce, James. Selected Letters of James Joyce, ed. Richard Ellmann. New York: Viking Press, 1975.

U + episode and line number Joyce, James. Ulysses ed. Hans Walter Gabler, et al. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1984, 1986. In paperback by Garland, Random House, Bodley Head, and Penguin between 1986 and 1992.

Verbali – Minutes 2019

Cari amici e colleghi,

nell’Assemblea Annuale del 1 febbraio scorso sono stati commessi alcuni errori di procedura, che hanno reso necessaria una revisione del testo del verbale ai punti 1, 3, 8. Vi allego quindi l’ultima versione corretta, che sottopongo alla vostra approvazione. A breve vi sarà data comunicazione della convocazione della prossima Assemblea Straordinaria, che dovrà formalizzare la richiesta dello SDI e le previste modifiche dello Statuto.

Cordiali saluti,

Franca Ruggieri

The James Joyce Italian Foundation


dell’Assemblea Annuale Ordinaria


The James Joyce Italian Foundation

L’assemblea annuale ordinaria dei soci di The James Joyce Italian Foundation, convocata presso i locali del Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere dell’Università Roma Tre, Sala “Ignazio Ambrogio”, II piano, Via del Valco di San Paolo, 19, 00146 Roma, in prima convocazione per il giorno 31 gennaio. 2019, alle ore 8, ed in seconda convocazione per il giorno 1 febbraio 2019, alle ore 13,00 presso gli stessi locali del Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere dell’Università Roma Tre, si è svolta, dopo la verifica del numero legale, con il seguente ordine del giorno:

1. Comunicazioni e relazione della Presidente

La Presidente, Franca Ruggieri, saluta l’Assemblea e ringrazia della partecipazione. Informa quindi dello stato attuale delle iscrizioni che conferma   essere lo stesso dell’anno scorso, giorni della XI Conference. Alla fine del 2018 i soci regolarmente iscritti erano 90, mentre sono 65 all’inizio di quest’anno.  I nomi dei soci verranno pubblicati al più presto, unitamente a questo verbale, sul sito di The James Joyce Italian Foundation ( Responsabile dell’aggiornamento del sito è ancora Maria Domenica Mangialavori, che  viene  ringraziata per il lavoro svolto.  La Presidente riferisce che le novità apportate dalla Riforma del Terzo Settore renderanno a breve necessario convocare un’altra assemblea per apportare le modifiche statutarie necessarie per l’adeguamento alla nuova normativa.

In merito all’introduzione del sistema di fatturazione elettronica si rende necessario attivarsi per poter accedere ai flussi passivi di fatturazione disponibili nel Sistema di Interscambio dell’Agenzia delle Entrate. A tal fine occorrerà innanzitutto dotare l’Associazione di un indirizzo PEC per la ricezione delle fatture elettroniche intestate a The James Joyce Italian Foundation e depositate presso l’Ufficio delle Entrate, e poi dotare l’Associazione di un accesso diretto allo SDI anche delegando lo Studio tributario che cura la redazione del rendiconto e gli altri aspetti fiscali e civilistici dell’Associazione.

2. Approvazione del rendiconto 2018

Dopo aver distribuito copie del rendiconto del 2018 ai presenti, ne vengono illustrate le entrate (quote associative) e le uscite. Va tenuto presente che l’anno scorso un significativo contributo alle spese sostenute per l’organizzazione della XI conference è venuto dai fondi residui di ricerca messi da parte negli anni passati dalla Presidente. A partire da questo anno JJIF dovrà affrontare da sola i costi di tutte le iniziative. Oltre alle tasse governative e bancarie, per il 2018 le uscite sono quelle che riguardano il pagamento della consulenza amministrativa, un contributo per le spese di ospitalità per la XI Conference, il pagamento all’editore ea Aniciaper il n.19 di “JoyceStudies in Italy” (60 copie, 503,00), Joyce’s Fiction and the New Rise of the Novel.  A fine dicembre 2018 il saldo del conto corrente bancario è stato € 10.459,77.

3.  Proposta di modifica di statuto

La Presidente propone al parere dell’Assemblea che unitamente alla modifiche di Statuto che si rendono necessarie per adeguarsi alla nuova normativa del Terzo Settore vengano introdotte nello statuto dell’associazione la carica di vicepresidente e di presidente onorario, per promuovere una più efficiente organizzazione del lavoro. L’Assemblea approva rimandando ad una nuova assemblea la modifica dello Statuto.

4. James Joyce Open Letter – request for acknowledgement

La presidente Franca Ruggieri informa l’Assemblea del dibattito in corso a proposito della “James Joyce Open Letter”, inviata a tutte le associazioni joyciane e anche alla nostra Foundation, per denunciare i frequenti atti di molestie e abusi psicologici e sessuali in atto nelle comunità joyciane. La lettera è stata messa a disposizione di tutti i soci fin dal momento dell’arrivo all’indirizzo di email di JJIF. La Presidente ha inviato una breve risposta il 19 dicembre 2018, esprimendo la propria solidarietà anche a nome della Foundation e impegnandosi a proporne la discussione nel corso dell’Assemblea annuale della JJIF. Segue un ampio dibattito con numerosi interventi, da cui si profilano posizioni a volte problematiche, ma tutte concordi nel dichiarare la piena condanna di qualsiasi comportamento sessista e di chiunque se ne rendesse responsabile e allo stesso tempo  nell’affermare che, a nostra conoscenza, niente del genere è accaduto nella nostra piccola associazione  nel corso degli eventi da noi organizzati.  L’Assemblea affida quindi alla Presidente il compito di rispondere alla “James Joyce Open Letter” per confermare la solidarietà di JJIF, riferire sulla discussione avvenuta durante l’Assemblea e fare riferimento, al Codice Etico dell’Università Roma Tre, che è sede di JJIF.

5. Giorgio Melchiori Grant 2018/19    

 La commissione –  composta da Enrico Terrinoni, Serenella Zanotti e Maria Domenica Mangialavori –  ha assegnato i due Giorgio Melchiori Grant 2018 di €300 l’uno a Michele Sara Chinitz (Graduate Center, CUNY) e a Sara Spanghero (Georg August Universität, Göttingen).  Per Giorgio Melchiori Grant 2019 l’associazione ha ricevuto sette domande, presentate da: Arianna Autieri, Niels Caul, Fedya Daas, Mary Lawton, Katharina Rajabi, Maria Elisa Salemi, Alberto Tondello. Dopo aver verificato che solo tre concorrenti avevano i requisiti per partecipare alla selezione, la commissione, composta da Franca Ruggieri, Enrico Terrinoni, Serenella Zanotti, ha assegnato i due Giorgio Melchiori Grant 2019 a Arianna Autieri (University of Warwick) e a Alberto Tondello (University College London). I relativi verbali sono stati pubblicati sul sito di The James Joyce Italian Foundation  (

6. Programmazione attività 2019

La Presidente dichiara che prima dell’estate verrà formulato un call for papers per la XIII James Joyce Birthday Conference, che si terrà a Roma dal 29 al 31 gennaio 2020. I soci sono invitati a suggerire temi e titoli prima della fine di maggio 2019.  Roberto Baronti propone due titoli: “Joyce’s Spaces”, sul tema dello spazio e “Joyce and the other Arts”, sul rapporto reale e metaforico con le arti.  Il primo, “Joyce’s Spaces”, affronta il tema variegato dello spazio e della morfologia dello spazio, perché “be it urban, geographic, stellar, geometrical, or optical” – lo spazio, nelle parole di Valerie Benéjam, è “a central and idiosyncratic feature” of Joyce’s work”. Il secondo tema suggerito, “Joyce and the other Arts”, potrebbe costituire l’occasione per lo studio sistematico di un rapporto complesso, a tutt’oggi assente.

  Il bando per Giorgio Melchiori Grant 2020 sarà pubblicato subito dopo la pausa estiva 2019: sarà riservato ai più giovani membri regolarmente iscritti a JJIF per promuovere la loro partecipazione alla XIII JJIF Conference in Rome.

7.“Joyce Studies in Italy” e “Piccola Biblioteca Joyciana”:

Alla fine del 2018 è stato pubblicato dall’editore eaAnicia il n.20 di “JSI”, James Joyce The Joys of Exile, n.20 (2018)a cura di Franca Ruggieri. Il pdf del testo è sul sito dell’associazione ed è stato inviato per email a tutti i soci.  Gli autori possono ricevere una copia cartacea, ritirandola personalmente presso la sede di JJIF, oppure, se residenti in Italia, la copia di JSI 20 sarà loro spedita come “piego di libri”. Le copie a stampa possono comunque essere acquistate dall’Italia e dall’estero contattando direttamente l’editore.   Presto sarà inviato un cfp a coloro che hanno partecipato alla XII Conference: il 29 aprile 2019 è la deadline  suggerita per inviare a Serenella Zanotti, curatrice del n.21 di JSI, proposte di  testi da sottoporre al procedimento del peer-reviewing.

Il numero 15 della “Piccola Biblioteca Joyciana”, dedicato agli scritti joyciani di Jacqueline Risset, a cura di Laura Santone, è in uscita presso Bulzoni. In considerazione degli impegni di cui JJIF si fa carico, gli autori e curatori della collana sono invitati a concordare con l’editore Bulzoni l’acquisto di un certo numero di copie, che possa coprire le spese della stampa. In preparazione sono anche un contributo di Marco Camerani su Joyce e Svevo (L’umorismo del quotidiano nell’Ulysses e nella Coscienzavdi Zeno)  e uno di Annalisa Federici sugli anni di Joyce a Parigi nelle riviste e nelle memorie contemporanee di altri esuli ed emigrati.

8. Rinnovo delle cariche sociali

Dopo aver verificato la presenza del numero legale, aggiungendo al numero dei presenti quello delle deleghe inviate dai soci assenti, la presidente apre la discussione e dichiara di voler lasciare il proprio incarico. L’incarico verrà lasciato solo dopo aver portato a termine l’Adeguamento dello Statuto di cui al precedente punto 3.  La Presidente propone già da adesso all’Assemblea la candidatura di Serenella Zanotti come vicepresidente e di Enrico Terrinoni come presidente. Enrico Terrinoni dà la sua disponibilità a condizione che Franca Ruggieri venga designata Presidente Onorario. L’Assemblea si dichiara d’accordo rinviando alla futura Assemblea, nella quale verrà approvato il nuovo statuto e nella quale verranno introdotte le nuove cariche di vicepresidente e di presidente onorario, la nomina effettiva del vicepresidente e del Presidente Onorario e nella quale verranno convalidate le dimissioni dell’attuale Presidente e la nomina del nuovo. L’Assemblea propone la candidatura di Jolanta Wawrzycka come membro del Comitato Direttivo e di Fabio Luppi come Tesoriere.

9- Varie ed eventuali:

Non ci sono varie ed eventuali.

L’assemblea è tolta alle 14,30.

La Presidente: Franca Ruggieri

Il segretario verbalizzante: Fabio Luppi

Roma 5 aprile 2019

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Some inaccuracies in procedure during the Annual Meeting of 1st February 2019 have made it necessary to review points 1, 3 and 8 in the written minutes. I attach here the most recent corrected version, which I now put forward for your approval. In a short while, the date will be announced for the forthcoming Extraordinary Meeting, during which the data interchange network request and the subsequent modification of the statute will be formalized.

With my best wishes,

Franca Ruggieri

The James Joyce Italian Foundation


of the Ordinary Annual Meeting


The James Joyce Italian Foundation

The annual meeting of the members of The James Joyce Italian Foundation took place at the Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere, Università Roma Tre, Sala ‘Ignazio Ambrogio’, 2nd floor, Via del Valco di San Paolo, 19, 00146 Rome. The first convocation was for 31st January 2019 at 08.00 and the second for 1st February 2019 at 13.00.

After verifying that there was a quorum, the meeting began with the following agenda:

1. Announcements and President’s report

Franca Ruggieri, the President, welcomed and thanked members for their attendance. She gave news regarding the current number of enrolments and confirmed that it is the same as it was a year ago during the XI Conference. By the end of 2018 there were 90 paid-up members, while there are 65 at the beginning of this year. The names of members will be published as soon as possible, along with the present minutes, on The James Joyce Italian Foundation website ( Maria Domenica Mangialavori will continue the task of updating our site, and for this she deserves our thanks. The President outlines the changes implied by the Reform of the Third Sector. This means convening another meeting to make the necessary modifications to the statute in line with the new regulations. The new electronic invoicing system needs to be activated so that access can be made to the passive invoice system available through the data interchange network of the national Tax Office. For this reason, the association first needs to obtain a PEC address in order to receive electronic invoices sent to The James Joyce Italian Foundation, and registered with the Italian Tax Office. The association must then have direct access to this network, also providing this link to the accountancy office that is responsible for the drawing up of the balance sheet and other fiscal and legal matters regarding the association.

2. Approval of the 2018 budget

Having distributed copies to all present, the 2018 budget was read, noting income (membership fees) and outgoings. It was emphasized that a large part of the expenses required to organize the XI Conference was provided by research funds that the President had left over from previous years. From this year on, the JJIF alone must take on the costs of all events and initiatives. Apart from government taxes and bank charges, outgoings in 2018 concerned the payment of an administrative consultant, a contribution to hospitality expenses for the XI Conference and eaAnicia publishers for“JoyceStudies in Italy” no. 19, Joyce’s Fiction and the New Rise of the Novel (60 copies, €503.00). At the end of December 2018, the amount in the current account stood at €10,459.77.

3. Proposal for modifying the statute

The President proposed that at the meeting when the statute is modified –  i.e., to conform to the new Third Sector regulations  –  two new posts of Vice President and Honorary President are also introduced, thus saving time and effort. Members approve, and so the changes will be made to the statute at the next meeting.

4. James Joyce Open Letter – request for acknowledgement

The President, Franca Ruggieri, informed the meeting of the current discussion regarding the James Joyce Open Letter that has been sent to all Joycean associations, including our own Foundation. This condemns the frequency of sexual and psychological harassment and abuse in Joycean circles. The letter had been made available to all members when it first arrived at the JJIF email address. Indeed, the President sent a short reply on 19th December 2018, expressing her solidarity, also on behalf of the Foundation, and stating that the matter would be discussed at the JJIF annual meeting. Various members then contributed to the ensuing discussion and problematic issues and different arguments were raised. However, all were in agreement in fully condemning any sexist behaviour, and anyone behaving in such a manner, although, to our knowledge, nothing of the kind has occurred during any of the events organized by our own small association. The meeting thus entrusted the President with the task of replying to the James Joyce Open Letter in order to confirm the solidarity of the JJIF, report on the discussion that took place during the meeting, and to refer to the Code of Ethics of the University of Roma Tre, where the JJIF is based.

5. The Giorgio Melchiori Grant 2018/19

The commission – composed of Enrico Terrinoni, Serenella Zanotti and Maria Domenica Mangialavori – assigned the two 2018 Giorgio Melchiori Grants of €300 each to Michele Sara Chinitz (Graduate Center, CUNY) and to Sara Spanghero (Georg August Universität, Göttingen). The association received seven applications for the 2019 Giorgio Melchiori Grant. These were from: Arianna Autieri, Niels Caul, Fedya Daas, Mary Lawton, Katharina Rajabi, Maria Elisa Salemi and Alberto Tondello. After verifying that just three of the candidates had the requisites to take part in the selection, the commission, composed of Franca Ruggieri, Enrico Terrinoni and Serenella Zanotti, assigned the two Giorgio Melchiori Grants of 2019 to Arianna Autieri (University of Warwick) and to Alberto Tondello (University College London). The relative minutes have been published on the website of The James Joyce Italian Foundation (

6. Events planned for 2019

The President announced that there would be a call for papers prior to this coming summer for the XIII James Joyce Birthday Conference in Rome, 29th–31st January 2020. Members are invited to suggest proposals for themes and titles before the end of May 2019. Roberto Baronti proposed two titles:  “Joyce’s Spaces”, focusing on the theme of space, and “Joyce and the other Arts”, examining the metaphorical link with the arts.  The first, “Joyce’s Spaces”, would cover  the multifaceted theme of space, and the morphology of space, since, “be it urban, geographic, stellar, geometrical, or optical” – space is, inn Valerie Benéjam’s words “a central and idiosyncratic feature” of Joyce’s work”. The second topic suggested,”Joyce and the other Arts”, would provide the opportunity for the systematic study of a complex relationship that has hitherto been lacking.

The announcement for the Giorgio Melchiori Grant 2020 will be made immediately after the 2019 summer break. It will be reserved exclusively for younger, regularly enrolled members of the JJIF to facilitate their taking part in the XIII JJIF Conference in Rome.

7.“Joyce Studies in Italy” and the “Piccola Biblioteca Joyciana”

At the end of 2018, the eaAnicia publishing house brought out JSI no. 20, James Joyce, The Joys of Exile (2018)edited by Franca Ruggieri. The pdf of the text is on the Foundation website and was also sent to all members by email. Authors can receive a hard copy by collecting it in person from the offices of the JJIF, or, if they reside in Italy, their copy of JSI 20 can be sent to them by the special piego di libri postage service. Printed copies can also be bought both from within Italy and from abroad by contacting the publisher directly. A call for papers will soon be sent to those who took part in the XII Conference: 29th April is the deadline by which proposals for papers should reach Serenella Zanotti, editor of JSI no. 21, for peer review.

Number 15 of the “Piccola Biblioteca Joyciana”, dedicated to Jacqueline Risset’s writings on Joyce and edited by Laura Santone, is about to be published by Bulzoni. Given the numerous work undertaken by the JJIF, the authors and editors of the series are asked to confer with Bulzoni as to the number of copies to be purchased in order to cover printing costs. Also in preparation is a work by Marco Camerani on Joyce and Svevo (L’umorismo del quotidiano nell’Ulysses e nella Coscienza di Zeno) and one by Annalisa Federici on Joyce’s years in Paris seen through contemporary magazines and the memories of other exiles and emigrants.

8. Confirmation of the executive committee

Having verified that there was a quorum, including proxies sent in by absent members, the President opened the discussion by stating that she wished to stand down as president. She will leave her post only after the statute has been modified as laid out in point 3. The President proposes the candidacy of Serenella Zanotti as Vice President and Enrico Terrinoni as President. Enrico Terrinoni agrees on the condition that Franca Ruggieri becomes Honorary President. The meeting agrees, leaving its formal approval until the next meeting, which will thus both modify the statute and introduce the new posts of Vice President and Honorary President, as well as formally deciding who will effectively cover these roles. At the same time, the resignation of the current president will be confirmed, and the new president appointed. The meeting proposes the candidacy of Jolanta Wawrzycka as member of the management committee and of Fabio Luppi as Treasurer.

9. Any other business

There was no other business

The meeting concluded at 14.30.

The President: Franca Ruggieri

Secretary taking minutes: Fabio Luppi

Rome, 5th April 2019

2019 Giorgio Melchiori Grant Results

January 15th 2019 Minutes
For the assignation of the 2019 Melchiori Grant, a commission comprising Franca Ruggieri, Enrico Terrinoni and Serenella Zanotti communicated by email, at 6pm on January 15th 2019. The commission ascertained that there had been seven (7) applications for the grants, presented by Arianna Autieri, Niels Caul, Fedya Daas, Mary Lawton, Katharina Rajabi, Maria Elisa Salemi, Alberto Tondello.
Having checked that only three applicants ( Arianna Autieri, Maria Elisa Salemi, Alberto Tondello) had met the basic requirements for taking part in the selection process, the commission carried out a comparative examination of the three candidates’ CVs and their proposed abstracts. Regarding the latter, particular importance was given to originality, clarity of aims and relevance to the field of study. 
After much discussion, two names emerged whose academic achievements, CVs and research experience were deemed to be of particular distinction and promise. These two scholars are Arianna Autieri (University of Warwick ) and Alberto Tondello (University College London). Arianna Autieri presented an abstract for a paper on ‘Translating Joyce’s musical language: “The Dead”’, while Alberto Tondello presented an abstract for a paper on ‘Material Language and situated cognition in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’.
The Commission made the unanimous decision to assign, on equal merit, two study grants of €250.00 (two hundred fifty) each to Arianna Autieri and Alberto Tondello.
The meeting ended at 7.30 pm.
Read and approved by email.
Franca Ruggieri
Enrico Terrinoni
Serenella Zanotti

Verbale del 15 gennaio 2019 
La commissione per l’assegnazione del Melchiori Grant 2019, formata da Franca Ruggieri, Enrico Terrinoni, Serenella Zanotti, si è riunita per email, il 15 gennaio 2019 alle ore 18. La Commissione constata che sono pervenute sette (7) domande, presentate da : Arianna Autieri, Niels Caul, Fedya Daas, Mary Lawton, Katharina Rajabi, Maria Elisa Salemi, Alberto Tondello.
Dopo aver verificato che solo tre concorrenti avevano i requisiti per partecipare alla selezione, la commissione ha esaminato comparativamente i curricula e le proposte di intervento, dando particolare importanza alla originalità, chiarezza espositiva e attinenza tematica delle proposte pervenute.
Dopo ampia discussione, sono emerse due figure di studiosi, la cui formazione, curriculum scientifico e esperienza di ricerca, sono risultate particolarmente promettenti e qualificate.
Si tratta delle domande presentate da Arianna Autieri (University of Warwick) e Alberto Tondello (University College London). Arianna Autieri presenta l’abstract di un intervento su: ‘Translating Joyce’s musical language: “The Dead”’ ‘. Alberto Tondello presenta l’abstract di un intervento su ‘Material Language and situated cognition in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’. La Commissione, all’unanimità decide di assegnare le due borse di studio di € 250,00 (duecentocinquanta ciascuna) a Arianna Autieri e a Alberto Tondello, a pari merito.
La seduta è tolta alle ore19,30.
Letto e approvato seduta stante,
Franca Ruggieri
Enrico Terrinoni
Serenella Zanotti

The James Joyce Italian Foundation
Comitato Direttivo: Franca Ruggieri (Presidente), Pieter Bekker, Sonia Buttinelli, Carla Vaglio Marengo, Enrico Terrinoni, Fabio Luppi, Serenella Zanotti
Soci Onorari: Paola Pugliatti, Fritz Senn
Giorgio Melchiori Grant – 2019
The James Joyce Italian Foundation bandisce due borse di studio di € 250,00 (duecentocinquanta euro) l’una, per giovani studiose e studiosi – studenti, laureati, dottori di ricerca – iscritti a The James Joyce Italian Foundation, che partecipano a The XII James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference in Rome, Joyce’s Feast of Languages, presso il Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere dell’Università Roma Tre, il 31 gennaio e il 1 febbraio 2019. 
Le domande devono essere inoltrate entro sabato 8 gennaio 2019 a:

con i seguenti documenti:

  1. Scheda di iscrizione per il 2019 a The James Joyce Italian Foundation
  2. Nota di accettazione dell’intervento da parte degli organizzatori di The XII James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference in Rome
  3. Curriculum vitae
    3.Titolo e abstract dell’intervento
    Per ulteriori informazioni:

The James Joyce Italian Foundation
Executive committee: Franca Ruggieri (Presidente), Pieter Bekker, Sonia Buttinelli, Carla Vaglio Marengo, Enrico Terrinoni, Fabio Luppi, Serenella Zanotti;
Honorary Members: Paola Pugliatti, Fritz Senn
Giorgio Melchiori Grant – 2019
The James Joyce Italian Foundation is offering two grants of €250,00 (two hundred euros) each for graduate and PhD students who are fully paid-up members of JJIF and participate in the XII James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference in Rome, Joyce’s Feast of Languages that will be hosted by the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the Università Roma Tre on 31 January and 1 February 2019.

Letters of application should be sent by 8 January 2019 to:

along with the following documents:

  1. 2019 JJIF registration form
  2. Copy of notification of acceptance from the XII James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference in Rome organizers
  3. CV
  4. Paper title and abstract 
    For further information please contact the Foundation at: or

2019 Giorgio Melchiori Grant Results

January 15th 2019 Minutes
For the assignation of the 2019 Melchiori Grant, a commission comprising Franca Ruggieri, Enrico Terrinoni and Serenella Zanotti communicated by email, at 6pm on January 15th 2019. The commission ascertained that there had been seven (7) applications for the grants, presented by Arianna Autieri, Niels Caul, Fedya Daas, Mary Lawton, Katharina Rajabi, Maria Elisa Salemi, Alberto Tondello.
Having checked that only three applicants ( Arianna Autieri, Maria Elisa Salemi, Alberto Tondello) had met the basic requirements for taking part in the selection process, the commission carried out a comparative examination of the three candidates’ CVs and their proposed abstracts. Regarding the latter, particular importance was given to originality, clarity of aims and relevance to the field of study. 
After much discussion, two names emerged whose academic achievements, CVs and research experience were deemed to be of particular distinction and promise. These two scholars are Arianna Autieri (University of Warwick ) and Alberto Tondello (University College London). Arianna Autieri presented an abstract for a paper on ‘Translating Joyce’s musical language: “The Dead”’, while Alberto Tondello presented an abstract for a paper on ‘Material Language and situated cognition in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’.
The Commission made the unanimous decision to assign, on equal merit, two study grants of €250.00 (two hundred fifty) each to Arianna Autieri and Alberto Tondello.
The meeting ended at 7.30 pm.
Read and approved by email.
Franca Ruggieri
Enrico Terrinoni
Serenella Zanotti

Verbale del 15 gennaio 2019 
La commissione per l’assegnazione del Melchiori Grant 2019, formata da Franca Ruggieri, Enrico Terrinoni, Serenella Zanotti, si è riunita per email, il 15 gennaio 2019 alle ore 18. La Commissione constata che sono pervenute sette (7) domande, presentate da : Arianna Autieri, Niels Caul, Fedya Daas, Mary Lawton, Katharina Rajabi, Maria Elisa Salemi, Alberto Tondello.
Dopo aver verificato che solo tre concorrenti avevano i requisiti per partecipare alla selezione, la commissione ha esaminato comparativamente i curricula e le proposte di intervento, dando particolare importanza alla originalità, chiarezza espositiva e attinenza tematica delle proposte pervenute.
Dopo ampia discussione, sono emerse due figure di studiosi, la cui formazione, curriculum scientifico e esperienza di ricerca, sono risultate particolarmente promettenti e qualificate.
Si tratta delle domande presentate da Arianna Autieri (University of Warwick) e Alberto Tondello (University College London). Arianna Autieri presenta l’abstract di un intervento su: ‘Translating Joyce’s musical language: “The Dead”’ ‘. Alberto Tondello presenta l’abstract di un intervento su ‘Material Language and situated cognition in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’. La Commissione, all’unanimità decide di assegnare le due borse di studio di € 250,00 (duecentocinquanta ciascuna) a Arianna Autieri e a Alberto Tondello, a pari merito.
La seduta è tolta alle ore19,30.
Letto e approvato seduta stante,
Franca Ruggieri
Enrico Terrinoni
Serenella Zanotti

The James Joyce Italian Foundation
Comitato Direttivo: Franca Ruggieri (Presidente), Pieter Bekker, Sonia Buttinelli, Carla Vaglio Marengo, Enrico Terrinoni, Fabio Luppi, Serenella Zanotti
Soci Onorari: Paola Pugliatti, Fritz Senn
Giorgio Melchiori Grant – 2019
The James Joyce Italian Foundation bandisce due borse di studio di € 250,00 (duecentocinquanta euro) l’una, per giovani studiose e studiosi – studenti, laureati, dottori di ricerca – iscritti a The James Joyce Italian Foundation, che partecipano a The XII James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference in Rome, Joyce’s Feast of Languages, presso il Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere dell’Università Roma Tre, il 31 gennaio e il 1 febbraio 2019. 
Le domande devono essere inoltrate entro sabato 8 gennaio 2019 a:

con i seguenti documenti:

  1. Scheda di iscrizione per il 2019 a The James Joyce Italian Foundation
  2. Nota di accettazione dell’intervento da parte degli organizzatori di The XII James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference in Rome
  3. Curriculum vitae
    3.Titolo e abstract dell’intervento
    Per ulteriori informazioni:

The James Joyce Italian Foundation
Executive committee: Franca Ruggieri (Presidente), Pieter Bekker, Sonia Buttinelli, Carla Vaglio Marengo, Enrico Terrinoni, Fabio Luppi, Serenella Zanotti;
Honorary Members: Paola Pugliatti, Fritz Senn
Giorgio Melchiori Grant – 2019
The James Joyce Italian Foundation is offering two grants of €250,00 (two hundred euros) each for graduate and PhD students who are fully paid-up members of JJIF and participate in the XII James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference in Rome, Joyce’s Feast of Languages that will be hosted by the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the Università Roma Tre on 31 January and 1 February 2019.

Letters of application should be sent by 8 January 2019 to:

along with the following documents:

  1. 2019 JJIF registration form
  2. Copy of notification of acceptance from the XII James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference in Rome organizers
  3. CV
  4. Paper title and abstract 
    For further information please contact the Foundation at: or

XII JJIF Conference in Rome – 31 Jan – 1 Feb 2019


Joyce’s Feast of Languages

The XII James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference in Rome

Conference Dates: January 31-February 1, 2019

Keynote speakers: Richard Brown, Enrico Terrinoni, Chrissie Van Mierlo

The James Joyce Italian Foundation invites proposals for the Twelfth Annual Conference in Rome. It will be hosted by the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the Università Roma Tre, to celebrate Joyce’s 137th birthday.

As Giorgio Melchiori highlights in an essay entitled “The Languages of Joyce” (1992), “the whole of Joyce’s works, from Epiphanies to Finnegans Wake, is a great feast of languages of which we are asked to partake”. Language is not only a central theme in Joyce’s oeuvre, but also a biographical leitmotive, a site of symbolic power and a means for artistic creation.

We invite scholars to send proposals for a 20-minute contribution. The conference will be the occasion to present unpublished papers and works in progress on Joyce to an international audience.

Related topics include, but are not limited to:

– Joyce’s linguistic poetics
– Joyce’s politics of language
– Joyce’s many languages
– Joyce and the Irish language
– Joyce and the language of music
– Joyce and the language of silence
– Joyce’s dislocutions
– The language of exile
– Joyce, translingualism and translingual writers
– Language teaching and language learning in Joyce
– Translating Joyce
– Joyce and translation/translation in Joyce
– Linguistic approaches to Joyce’s writing
– Corpus stylistics and Joyce’s oeuvre

Key note speakers will be confirmed in September.

Selected papers will be published. Please send abstracts, 250-500 words in length, along with a short bio-sketch to

The Conference includes a Joycean birthday party.

Deadline for proposals: November 25, 2018.

Accepted speakers will be notified by December 16, 2018.

On arrival, participants will be expected to sign up for membership of The James Joyce Italian Foundation (Students: 30 Euro; Individual Membership: 45 Euro; Institutions: 50 Euro; Supporting members: 70 euro).

Accepted speakers can then apply for the Giorgio Melchiori Grants.
