19. Joyce’s Fiction and the New Rise of the Novel

edited by Franca Ruggieri


Franca RuggieriForeword: Joyce’s Fiction? “Oh! It is only a novel” (Northanger Abbey, 1798)

Talia AbuDefecation and the Other – Performing Autobiographical Art in the “Haunted Inkbottle” Scene 

Olha BandrovskaThe Anthropology of Odour in James Joyce’s Ulysses

April CapiliYes, yes: a woman too. Life, life’. Lucia and the Life-Writing Aspects of Joyce’s Novels

Annalisa FedericiWord and World, Fiction and Reality in Ulysses: Joyce as Realist/Hyperrealist/Antirealist

Dieter FuchsJames Joyce’s UlyssesA Menippean Satire? 

Allen C. JonesStephen “(looks behind)”: A New Paradigm for Reading Stage Directions in “Circe”

Peter R. Kuch“A Handful of Tea”: Money and Monster Novels

Michal Moussafi A Mirror up to Nature: The Artistic Role of Reflection in James Joyce’s Ulysses

Ennio RavasioRealism and Allegory in “Cyclops”

Simone Rebora – Encyclopedic Novel Revisited. Joyce’s Role in a Disputed Literary Genre

Fritz SennMercurial Interpolations in Ulysses

Katherine E. Smith A Spinster by Choice, Circumstance, or Calamity? Potential Reasons for Physical and Emotional Spinsterhood in James Joyce’s Dubliners

Sara Spanghero“The incompatibility of aquacity with the erratic originality of genius (U 17.247) Considerations on Stephen Dedalus’ Fluid Development

Carla Vaglio MarengoTobias Smollett, Joyce’s Grandfather: Circulation and Recirculation, Satiety, Eructation, Regurgitation, “Cursing and recursing” in Viconian Cycles

Jolanta Wawrzycka‘Tell us, aren’t you an artist?’(SH: 26) – Revisiting Joyce’s Künstlerroman


Joycean Gleanings


Andrea Cortellessa Forse che sì forse che no. Joyce tra Pascoli e Gadda

Finn FordhamJoyce in the Shadow of War and Fascism: A Review of Finnegans Wake by Mario Praz (1939)


Muriel Drazien – Lacan Lettore di Joyce (Gabriela Alarcon)

Enrico Frattaroli – Envoy verso: in: attraverso: da: Giacomo Joyce (Annalisa Federici)

Jamie O’Connell (ed.) – James Joyce, Best-Loved Joyce Anthony J. Jordan – James Joyce Unplugged (Fabio Luppi)

Geert Lernout – Cain: but are you able? The bible, Byron and Joyce (Enrico Terrinoni)

James Joyce, Francesca Romana Paci (ed.) – Pomi un penny l’uno / Poesie una pena l’una | James Clarence Mangan, Francesca Romana Paci (ed.) – Il mio cuore è un monaco (Enrico Terrinoni)

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Joyce\’s Fiction and the New Rise of the Novel

edited by Franca Ruggieri

Joyce\’s Fiction and the New Rise of the Novel
