Edited by Franca Ruggieri – Bulzoni, Roma 2010
Franca Ruggieri – Foreword
Sam Slate – Stephen’s Nietzschean Ethics
Richard Brown – “Literature, the press” (U.7.607) Joyce Rewriting Literature Through Benjamin
Alexandra Emmanuel – The Eagle and the Serpent: Wit, Wisdom, and Nietzschean Egoism in James Joyce’s “Stephen Hero”
Paul Fagan – Forget, Remember! Forget!: Memory, Amnesia and the Cyclical Metamorphosis of Meaning in “Finnegans Wake”
Philip Keel Geheber – Zola’s Nana and Molly Bloom
Hsin-Yu Hung – Avant-Garde Metamorphoses: Newspaper Typography and Joyce’s Rewriting of “Aeolus”
Alison Lacivita – “refuses to sacrifice SD”: Shem’s Incestuous Origins in Joyce’s “Finnegans Wake”
Liam Lanigan – “A Necessary Evil”: Anti-Spatial Behaviour in “Circe”
Damien Lennon – Eliot’s Lantern: The Mythical Method
Patrick Lennon – Occult Joyce: Rite, Ritual, Incantation and the Phantasmagorical as Access to the Supernormal in “Ulysses”
Maria Domenica Mangialavori – Translating Literature into music: from “Sirens” to “Thema”
Ivana Milivojevic – A Transposition of Ithaca (in Danilo Kis’s Novel “Hourglass)
Teresa Prudente – “To know is to deform reality”: the Epistemology of a Transforming and Transformable Reality in Joyce and Gadda
Federico Sabatini – The Immermemorial Instant: “Finnegans Wake” and Giordano Bruno’s Philosophy of Time
Maria Grazia Tonetto – “After Life’s Journey”: Posthumous Meamorphoses in “Ulysses”
Emanuela Zirzotti – Sitting with Orpheus, singing about Love. A reading of “Chamber Music”
Joycean Gleanings
Jacques Aubert – EGO NOMINOR N…EGO
Christine O’Neill – “But you could not have a green rose”
Laura Talarico – From James Joyce to Katherine Mansfield: Epiphanic Poetics and Writing of the Self
Enrico Terrinoni – Comedy, or what went unsaid in “Ulysses”