18. Shakespearean Joyce - Joycean Shakespeare

Edited by John McCourt – Anicia, Roma 2016



Paola PugliattiShakespeare, Joyce and the Order of Literary Discourse

Valérie Bénéjam – The Linguistic Drama in Joyce and Shakespeare

Laura Pelaschiar – “An Old Thing ‘Twas, But It Express’d Her Fortune”. Joyce’s “Eveline” and Shakespeare’s Othello

Dipanjan Maitra – An Apostolic Succession? Joyce’s Shakespeare Notes And The Poetics of Omniscience

Francesca Caraceni – How Shakespeare was used: Echoes of John Henry Newman’s Idea of Literature in Joyce

Giuseppe Massara – Metamorphoses of Sin

Richard Barlow – “Northern Ire” and “invertedness”: Macbeth, the Wake,and the North

Fritz Senn, Jolanta Wawrzycka, Veronika Kovács – Spectral Shakespeare in Ulysses Translation

Neslihan Ekmekçioglu – The Haunting Spectres within Consciousness: Melancholia, Memory and Mnemonic Entrapment in Shakespeare and Joyce

Annalisa Federici – “The Mirror Up To Nature”: Reflexivity and Self-Reflexivity In Ulysses and Hamlet

Benjamin Boysen – Hamlet… Shakespeare. Brandes… Joyce

Ioana Zirra – Paronomastic Filiation, Vertical Intertextuality and the Family Reunion of Bloom’s and Stephen’s Shakespearean Ghosts in the “Circe” Psychodrama

Brendan Kavanagh – Shakespearean Soundings and Ulysses’s immunological-Musicological Interface



Shinjini Chattopadhyay – Cityful Passing Away”: Giacomo Joyce and Trieste

Elizabeth M. Bonapfel – Why Not Chamber Music? What Punctuation in Joyce’s Poetry Can Tell Us about His Style


Fabio Luppi – Richard Ambrosini, John McCourt, Enrico Terrinoni and Serenella Zanotti eds., Outside Influences, Essays in Honour of Franca Ruggieri

Fabio Luppi – Winston Greg, Joyce and Militarism

Francesca Romana Paci – Enrico Terrinoni, James Joyce e la fine del romanzo