Edited by Franca Ruggieri – Bulzoni, Roma 1995
Franca Ruggieri – Foreword
I. Essays
The Language of Joyce (1988)
The Genesis of Ulysses (1982)
The Wandering Rocks, or, the Rejection of Stephen Dedalus (1974)
What’s in a Name (1991)
Joyce, Eliot and the Nightmare of History (1969-72)
James, Joyce and D’Annunzio (1973)
The Language of Politics and the Politics of Language (1980)
II. Notes and shorter papers
Joyce and Formiggini (1992)
Belli and Joyce: Missing Dates (1984)
Yeats and Joyce: The Tower (1982)
That incorrigible virginity (1979-80)
The First and Last of the “Provincials” (1980)
The Rev. John Flynn and Buck Mulligan (1988)
Two Notes on “Nestor” (1984)
“The Dead” or Li Mortacci? (1988)
Mr Bloom in Venice (1988)
fluidofiume – riverrun. Variations by Enrico Frattaroli (1988)
Checklist of Giorgio Melchiori’s writings on Joyce in Italian