Joyce foundations around the world

Antwerp James Joyce Centre

Founded at the University of Antwerp in 1991

CRISIS – Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale per gli Studi Irlandesi e Scozzesi –

The Interdepartmental Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies founded at Università Roma Tre in 2010

The James Joyce Society

Founded in February 1947 at the Gotham Book Mart in New York City

The International James Joyce Foundation

Created in 1967 at the First International James Joyce Symposium, held on Bloomsday, June 16, in Dublin

The James Joyce Broadsheet

A specialist review published three times a year

The James Joyce Centre

The James Joyce Centre of Dublin

The James Joyce Collection

The arrangement of the Joyce manuscripts based on the scholarly work of Peter Spielberg and Luca Crispi

The Trieste Joyce School

The Joycean School held every year in Triste at the end of June

Zurich James Joyce Foundation

Established in 1985 in Zurich. It organizes a workshop every year in August