
Article 1 – Constitution

The Association, called The James Joyce Italian Foundation, JJIF, is hereby founded. The Association is independent, non-profit-making and based in Rome.

Article 2 – Aims

The main aim of the Association is to promote the study and research of European intellectuals who reach beyond national borders and exemplify an idea of Europe which has existed from Classical times to the present day. Within this perspective, the life, career and writings of James Joyce is central, and for this reason the Association takes its name from him. In the history of European culture and western thought, Joyce stands at a crossroads of literary and cultural tradition, from Greek and Latin culture to the subsequent Medieval and Renaissance cultures, which he revisited, reinterpreted and revitalised. He projected his own experience onto those traditions in the challenge posed by the experimentalism of the early twentieth century reacting against the already fragile certainties of the nineteenth century fin de siècle. Bearing this in mind, the life and work of James Joyce, both in itself and for the place it occupies in the national cultures of Europe, provide the Association with its central purpose and point of reference.

The Association aims to facilitate, co-ordinate and promote seminars, stages, debates, conferences, presentations which will encourage research in this field and to promote exchanges between scholars, critics, students and common readers. The Association, founded under the auspices of the International James Joyce Foundation and the Zurich James Joyce Foundation, intends to achieve its aims by:

– establishing contacts with public and private institutions or individual researchers who are interested in the above activities, either in Italy or abroad;

– encouraging the publication of articles, periodicals and monographs and organising educational courses, seminars, debates and teleconferences, as well as providing audio-visual aids and information technology for members as well as for researchers and students;

– establishing links to national and international organisations with similar aims or in other fields which are likely to assist the Association in achieving its aims;

– organising and supporting scientific, cultural and other projects deemed useful in line with the aims of the Association.