James Joyce Symposium 2010 – Prague, Czech Republic 2010

\"\"The XXII International James Joyce Symposium will be held in Prague from 13 to 18 June 2010. The event will be dedicated to the memory of Prof. Donald F. Theall (1928-2008).

The title given to the Symposium is “Praharfeast” (FW 541.24) because, as the host commettee proposes, this \”meeting of minds\” should be a type of feast, a “symposium” in the original sense of the term.

Proposals for individual papers of 20 minutes duration may be presented on any aspect of Joyce studies, especially on the relationship of Joyce to Prague and the heritage of Central European modernism in the arts, philosophy and theory, particularly the legacies of structuralism and the Prague linguistic circle. The final deadline for submission of proposals is 1st March 2010.

All paper proposals must be submitted individually, by completing the required fields in the symposium Registration form, but panels and multiple panels on a given topic may also be  proposed using the proper Registration form. For further information visit the symposium website.
