CFP: James Joyce: Local, Global, Universal – Krakow, Poland – 27-29/04/2011

\"\"The Jagiellonian University of Krakow is organizing The Twelfth International Conference on English and American Studies \”Languages, Literatures and Culture in Contact: English and American Studies in the Age of Global Communication\”, which will be held from 27 to 29 April 2011.

The conference will host a panel on James Joyce entitled \”James Joyce: Local, Global, Universal\”. The organizers invite papers that discuss the dialectics of space in Joyce’s works, be they geographical or mental spaces, contributions that explore the development of Joyce studies and the impact of the multiple aspects of globalization on the respective academic research.
The abstract submission deadline for papers is 15 December 2010. Proposals should be sent to Katarzyna Bazarnik at and Dirk Vanderbeke

More information about the event on The Twelfth International Conference on English and American Studies.

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