International Joyce Research Colloquium at UCD – 19-21 April 2012

\"\"This year’s International Joyce Research Colloquium at UCD will again provide a forum for the discussion of current and future developments in James Joyce Studies by leading scholars.

It also sets out to facilitate active exchange between graduate students and practitioners in the field of Joyce Studies and related fields on the opportunities and challenges of undertaking research on Joyce. These UCD James Joyce Research Centre events are sponsored in part by the UCD Humanities Institute of Ireland and the UCD John Hume Institute for Global Irish Studies.

The deadline for the receipt of all completed application material is Friday, 10 February 2012.

Speakers will analyse and debate the usefulness of particular methodologies and theoretical positions for aspects of research projects that they have concluded or their applicability for works in progress.
The delegates at the colloquium will include doctoral and post-doctoral students currently engaged in research on Joyce at universities in Ireland, across Europe, North America, and elsewhere. Although there is no charge, registration is required. MA and PhD students, Joyce scholars, and those with an active interest in Joyce are invited to attend. Joyceans and Irish Studies specialists in Ireland are particularly welcome.
Close dialogue will be encouraged between all the participants to enable open and expansive discussion about the present state of Joyce Studies and the possible trajectories that it could after the partial expiration of the copyright on some of Joyce’s texts, manuscripts, and letters.
Dr Finn Fordham (Royal Holloway, University of London) will give the keynote lecture at UCD on Thursday, 19 April, at 19.00.
The other speakers at the 2012 colloquium are:
Dr. Valérie Bénéjam (Université de Nantes) – Dr. Luca Crispi (University College Dublin) – Dr. Sarah Davison (University of Nottingham) – Mr. Vincent Deane (Dublin) – Prof. Anne Fogarty (University College Dublin) – Prof. Geert Lernout (University of Antwerp) – Dr. Sam Slote (Trinity College Dublin) – Prof. Robert Spoo (University of Tulsa)

The venues will be the Humanities Institute of Ireland, UCD (19 and 21 April) and the National Library of Ireland (20 April).
Further information will be posted in January 2012 at the UCD website.

Scholarship funding is available for doctoral and post-doctoral students and will cover accommodation, travel, and social events.
Applicants should submit by email a curriculum vitae, a letter of introduction (specifically outlining your interests in Joyce studies and why the colloquium might be of benefit to you), an academic reference (which should be sent directly by the referee as an email attachment).
Please note that scholarship recipients are expected to actively participate in all aspects of the colloquium, including question and answer sessions as well as both formal and informal discussions.

Note that preference will be given to first-time applicants but applications from previous recipients of scholarships at UCD James Joyce Research Centre events are nonetheless also welcome; late applications may be considered in some circumstances. Post-graduate students at Irish universities are particularly encouraged to apply.

For further details, inquiries, and submissions contact:
Dr Luca Crispi

UCD James Joyce Research Centre
School of English, Drama and Film – University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4 Ireland – +353 1 716 8260